

The ghost haunting Karlee Davis is tormented by amnesia. When Karlee loses her job at a small bookstore, she finds work in a small coastal community setting up a weekly newspaper. The new location jogs the ghost’s memory and triggers violent visions from its past.

A severe storm brings, Cole Maxwell, the commitment-fearing landlord and owner of the condo, off the water and inside. He and Karlee share their accommodation while repairs are completed on his boat. Cole’s interest in Karlee makes him hyper vigilant and it doesn’t take long before he discovers the ghost, especially its volatile behaviour.

The more Karlee learns about the ghost’s background, the less certain she is of her own. On the day of reckoning, everyone reunites where it all began—on a cliff on the threshold of the ocean. Karlee must trust her instincts to find everyone a peaceful ever after…that is, once she exorcises the dark creature manipulating them all.